Friday, November 29, 2013


Lindsey Orton Photography also took our groomals/bridals, and no surprise did an amazing job! I'm so in love with these pictures too....

Russ actually got pulled over on our way to take bridals. I had been at my mom's with Channy and my mom getting me in my dress then channy rode with russ and my mom and I left shortly after to meet them and Lindsey at the location. I had wanted to have a "first look" photo so I didn't want Russ to see me until we had the camera ready. Anywho... the pull over changed plans as I ended up beating them there and so channy walked him in blindfolded until we were ready : )
                                                                        The first Look.....


                                 We definitely couldn't have done it without all our helpers :  )

Once again, Thank you Lindsey for such amazing pictures and capturing moments we will seriously treasure forever!!! We love them.


The lovely and amazing Lindsey Orton (check her out at )took our engagement pictures and she did an awesome job! Here's a few of my favorites so you can take a look for yourself...

Thanks again Linds, We still love them : )

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Called To Serve

In about a 2 week period of time two of my siblings left on their missions.
Channy is currently serving in San Fernando California and Tanner is currently in the Lima Peru MTC where he will prepare to serve the Lord in the Chiclayo Mission. I'm so proud of both of them and all that they have accomplished! Even though it's been weird around my parents house missing two siblings it's exciting for them.

Best of luck Elder and Sister Olsen!!

and then there were puppies...

Remember when I previously mentioned that we had gotten a new dog? a new male dog? Well we had had this grand plan of getting our female dog fixed before she went into heat and therefore not having a problem with having dogs of opposite sex. Well lady suprised us and went into heat about 5 days after we got crush and to put a long story short we were too late. Which leads me to say.... we have puppies!
Not planning on puppies and neither one of us having been through this before we took advice from others as to what to expect and plan on. Russ enclosed a truck bed liner in the garage full of wood chips so that way we would be able to have a little birthing center ready for easy clean up. Well lady didn't follow any of the usual labor signs we were told to expect ex: stop eating etc...
Labor morning at 6:30 am I came home from work like usual, Russ was hunting so I let the dogs out like I do when he's home to hang out with me for a bit, feed them, then I go to bed. Seemed like a typical morning until I went to scoop up food and noticed blood on the garage floor from where lady had been sitting. Then as she took off in a mad dash back to the dog run I felt something was up! In my mind I thought she was going into labor so I corralled her in the garage but as I got close to the dog run I heard dogs whimpering. I found 2 puppies lying in the dog house and immediately took them into the garage.
Luckily Russ was in a spot on the mountain that had service so I was able to call and have a panic moment not knowing what to do! (lady had been hugely pregnant so I thought she was miscarrying the rest of the pups when I only found 2) Thank goodness I got lady calmed down and was able to get her to relax to deliver the rest of the pups.
I waited by lady's side and watched the little miracles of life unfold before me as lady knew exactly what to do with each pup! After 6 were born I thought we were done as she stood up and wanted to eat, run around and play. So I made sure she was settled and went inside to finally sleep. I set an alarm to wake up in 2 hours to check on her and when I went out I found not 6 puppies that I had left, but 11 puppies! Of those 11 we have 9 females, 2 males, 2 black pups, and 9 white pups!
Meeting Dad

Going to the vet to get their dew claws removed    

  They have been so much to have around the last few weeks! They have become our little kids as we watch them grow and develop noting each of their monumental things such as eyes opening, learning to walk, developing their little barks etc...

 Crazy to think we've had them around for 4 weeks and in 2 more they'll start to be ready to move to new homes! so if you know of anybody that's interested and wants a pure bred lab pup, let me know :)
Kezy girl with Remi (the pup we chose to keep : ) )