Thursday, June 2, 2016

Thanksgiving 2015

Thanksgiving this year happened to be the major holiday I was required to work. It was also the year we were spending it with Russ's family-however all my siblings were home for the first time in years and my mom was having Thanksgiving at her house so we decided to double time Thanksgiving this year. 

We attended Thanksgiving at my mom's with all my family and grandparents-then went to Orem where we ate with Russ's family. It was great to have all my family together again for a holiday. Eating with Russ's family was also nice because his dad's brother and family was in town from Oregon so I was able to see them again as well as meet some of his cousins and their kids that I'd never met before. 

I won't lie--- the next best part of the day was getting put  on call for work... and not getting called in :) I try to be thankful for all my blessings everyday but thanksgiving was definitely a time to really reflect on how blessed and lucky we are!