Monday, October 3, 2016

Sadie's Hospital Pictures

 Daddy's first diaper change ever was Sadie's first Meconium. Luckily Jacqui was there at the time to capture it all on camera....

Daddy showing what we were all doing--being obsessed with her every move

Sadie's Birth Story

April 21, 2016
 I had my 2nd doctors appointment of the week that day. I was 39 weeks along and they were checking me for progress from my appointment on Monday. I'd been measuring small during my pregnancy so they had mentioned a possibility of being induced early. I was holding them to that :) although when the doctor checked me around 12:30 that afternoon I was still only dilated to about 1.5 so he stripped my membranes (again), and sent me on my way saying things were still looking good so we wouldn't talk induction until at least my next appointment that following Monday. 

I had really wanted to be induced on Friday the 22, so I left the office disappointed. I was so anxious to meet our baby girl! (and I really didn't want to work the entire upcoming weekend) I called Russ and said I was getting a Swig to cheer myself up. I was in Orem so I stopped by his shop for a visit on my way home. 

After a quick trip to Walmart I found myself back at home with our dogs. I was doing measly chores around the house when suddenly around 3:30 PM I felt some fluid down below. Thinking it was nothing I carried on my way until a larger amount came minutes later. I wanted to believe it was my water breaking-- but not wanting to get my hopes up I began convincing myself it must be normal reaction after getting membranes stripped for the 2nd time in one week. 

The fluid continued to come-I got in touch with my sister Ashlee, who had leaked with her first pregnancy, to compare situations. She was going to bring me over some more panty liners, but by 4:15 when the fluid was becoming more frequent I decided to call the doctors office. They recommended since it had been almost an hour that I go to Labor & Delivery to get checked out. I had text Russ around 4 PM to let him know that I felt like I had started leaking and that I'd keep him posted if it turned out to be something more.  Well, I called him after I hung up with the doctors office and for the first time in about 2 months he didn't answer on the first ring (he'd been on alert for the news at any minute). 

I gave him a few minutes to call me back while I started gathering the last of the items that we needed in our hospital bag such as my glasses, etc... I cancelled the pantie liner request from Ashlee letting her know I was going to the hospital. I still hadn't heard from Russ so I tried his cell phone 2 more times. No response! Finally I called the shop number and informed his poor employee Austin to "please tell Mr. Hudson he needs to call me back right away". Within a minute Russ called me. I had been staying pretty level headed and calm but as soon as I heard his voice I started crying. I said "are you ready to be a daddy because we've got to go to the hospital".  A very confused Russ answered back saying "are you sure? but I just saw you!". I laughed at how crazy it did sound seeing as how I"d barely seen him a few hours ago. I explained to him what was going on and then asked if he'd be able to meet me at the hospital. Russ immediately responded that he was going to come pick me, followed by "well if you're okay and we have time for that?". (one of his biggest fears all along had been me giving birth in the car or alongside the road on the way to the hospital). I told him we had time, and he left the shop to come pick me up. While I waited for Russ I informed my mom, sisters, and our birth photographer of the situation letting them all know we'd update them when we got to the hospital. I changed my clothes and was just starting to load the bags and car seat when Russ got home. I was starting to cramp more but I was still feeling good so Russ got cleaned up and we were on our way. 
Last Belly Picture-headed to the hospital

The drive to the hospital was full of emotions. We've known all along that we were going to be parents but it was finally settling in thinking that the possibility the next time we were in the care together we could have our baby with us. We were so excited! Russ was calm and super helpful the entire time.

We arrived to the hospital at 5:45 PM. I felt terrible that it was going to be right at shift change! It also felt weird to walk into the hospital after all the dramatic movies I've seen of women being wheel chaired in like crazy people. Luckily, an old friend/co-worker was working the Labor desk and was able to get me checked into a room and changed before getting off shift. 

I was in a bed and gown and hooked up to monitors but everyone made sure I knew that there was a chance I'd just been peeing myself and it may not actually be baby time yet :) They were going to run some tests to test the fluid and if it was amniotic fluid then I would be admitted, if not I'd be sent home.  My nurse was Jameia, and as she went to perform the test she said "oh yeah you're ruptured, there's a lot of fluid down here. I'd still need to send the tests and notify the doctor of the results but I'd plan on being admitted."
Sure enough. Within the hour the results were in, the Dr had been notified and I was being admitted.It was baby time! We were so excited and nervous all at the same time. Russ took over the cell phones notifying family members, and we of course had to send out a snapchat to tell everyone! 

Russ had been pretty calm up to that point but then suddenly adrenaline and all the LARGE amounts of Dr.Pepper he'd consumed that day had caught up to him. He was going through drawers, trying on all the medical supplies, and he had given himself the title of "Baby navigation Specialist".  It was pretty entertaining to watch. He had both our cell phones and was making sure everyone was staying updated on the situation so I could rest. 

 I was started on Pitocin at 7:40 PM. By this time Ashlee had come over to hang out, after thankfully stopping to feed our dogs for the night and put our dinner in the fridge that I'd had cooking in the crockpot. She had brought food to make sure Russ stayed fed. My mom came over shortly after to join us as well. Russ was still pretty wound up and as he went out to the car to get our bags my mom said "if he stays the way he's going right now, by 10 pm we're gonna need a straight jacket, or a body bag" haha! 
Benefits of working at the hospital--can silence your own IV alarms :) 
Once started on the Pitocin the cramping and contractions definitely increased in frequency and pain. My first increase was at 8:10PM and then continued to be increased every hour following that as long as baby and I stayed stable. As the intensity of the contractions increased I soon took on the rule that if my eyes were closed-don't talk to me. 
 We had more visitors at this time. Channy had made it over to come visit, but since Taylor, Ali, and Tanner had been up in Orem having dinner they also stopped by to say hi. I started off playing cards with them but the pain was getting worse that I soon turned into just observing and watching others play cards. I was grateful to have my family around to keep us company and help entertain Russ. We were all pretty anxious and excited about the arrival of baby girl! 

9:20PM- My nurse checked me and I was still only dilated to a 2. The pain was increasing and within the half hour I was going to be maxed out on Pitocen. I vocalized that within the hour I'd probably want to start getting my epidural. My nurse, Jameia, told me that we should start the process now so that when the CRNA's change shift/call at 10:00 she could just tell Brady to come straight in instead of having to wait on him. She also mentioned that way we could start the IV fluid bolus now to get the ball rolling. I'm so thankful she suggested this!! 

10:15PM- The CRNA, Brady, placed my epidural. I was lucky that he did such a great job and got it on the first try--not like other epidural horror stories I'd heard about and seen on TV. Russ stayed in the entire time, never left my side and held my hand through the whole thing. I'd never had an epidural before and the process of holding still in a crazy awkward position, with a big ol belly, and intense contractions coming was not easy. But the instant pain relief I felt was amazing and sooo worth it! 

 I was feeling much more pleasant and ready for game time following the epidural. However, it was getting late enough that my brothers and Ali were ready to leave for the night. We had invited my sisters and mom to be there for the birth if they wanted to, so we got settled in for the night! 

 I felt much more relaxed after the epidural and since Russ's adrenaline rush and caffeine were wearing off we were able to doze off for a few minutes. I didn't sleep very long, I felt as if my body had switched into night shift mode and I was awake for the long haul. I was very comfortable though and it felt good to just relax and rest. Jacqui, Ashlee, and I chatted for the next few hours. Russ stayed awake as long as he could but luckily he was able to get a good nap in along with my mom and Channy. 

 12:15 AM- The nurse snuck in and checked me while everyone was napping. I was dilated to a 3 and 90% effaced. With my slow progression I began to think that it would be later morning before baby girl would get here. 

2:42 AM- I was dilated to a 4 and 100% effaced! Everyone was awake at this point so we were all chatting and I was enjoying everyone's company. My biggest fear with getting an epidural was that I wouldn't be able to feel when she was coming and that they would come to check me only to find that her head was halfway out (dramatic I know, but seriously). The women in the room kept assuring me that I would feel the pressure and that I'd feel like I'd have to poop. Well around 3:15 AM I started to feel what I kept describing as "weird butt hole pain". It came and then went and then came back so I decided to call the nurse-even though I felt stupid since she'd just checked me. 

3:28 AM- As the nurse went to check me she said "oh yeah you're complete and ready to go! good thing you called." 
HOLY POO!! The rush of emotions that came over me as she said that! I instantly started bawling, Russ jumped up and took my hand to help console me. I'd had the "shakes" the entire time but the suddenly started to get worse. As she left the room to go call the doctor, everyone was so sweet to comfort me and try to help me. It was hard to describe that there was nothing they could do. I wasn't cold, so no blanket helped. I was about to be a mom and all my fears of- something happening with the baby, something happening with me, etc... were all coming to surface. I'd felt great and my epidural had been working but suddenly I felt panic that maybe I couldn't do this after all and I began to max out my epidural pain button. 

3:57 AM- The nurse comes back in saying that the doctor was finishing a delivery at another hospital but to start practice pushing. I was lucky that my epidural was AMAZING! I was able to move my legs but couldn't feel any pain. 

4:03 AM- First practice push. Russ stayed at the head of the bed, my mom sat on a chair behind him (in case he passed out :) ),  my sisters each took a leg and Jacqui was at the other side of the head of the bed capturing the moments. No one ever told me just how exhausting pushing is! To grab my thighs, lean over the big belly, and bear down all while holding my breath 3 times in a row for 10 seconds through each contraction!! holy moly I felt like I was going to pass out from holding my breath! all I wanted was a huge drink of water, seeing as how I couldn't have that after each "push" episode I'd try to shovel some ice chips in really quickly.  Ashlee was trying to be resourceful and have the ice as close to me as possible so she stuck the cup in her hoodie pocket. Well at 4:20 the ice cup fell out of pocket and went all over the floor. My poor sleep deprived mom thought that it was the baby that had somehow come out and hit the floor splashing everywhere. 

4:31 AM- My legs came out of the stirrups and flat on the bed to wait for the doctor to arrive. By 4:32 Dr. Broberg was there and came in to check progress. Legs went back into stirrups and I continued to push with the nurse while the Dr. got a few other things ready. 
(keep in mind this whole time since I was complete the other nurses had been coming in getting things set up-such as wheeling in the cart of supplies for the Dr., getting the kangroo bassinet up to temperature etc... It felt just like in the movies when you suddenly have this holy crap things just got real feeling overcome you!)

4:50 AM- Dr. Broberg is scrubbed in and in place. The table drops and I begin pushing harder and harder with each contraction. Baby's heart rate has been stable the entire time so we continue pushing. 

 4:59 AM- Our beautiful baby girl, Sadie Lynn, was born! She cried a big healthy cry right away that made me cry even harder with the reassurance that she was here, she was breathing! I had to opportunity of being able to cut the umbilical cord, then luckily her APGAR scores were good so we immediate skin-to skin. As they laid her on my chest, Sadie reached up and put her cheesy, goo covered hand under my chin and held it there. I can not describe that feeling! It's amazing how you can love someone so much in an instant. She was perfect in every way. I just stared at her as she held my chin and opened her eyes for a second to look at me, it was like she was saying I'm finally here mom! I'm safe and I made it!

 It's amazing how I also felt my love for Russ deepen at the sight of him holding our baby. Sadie is sure blessed with the best daddy! 

 My family left shortly after she was born-seeing as how they had been up all night now. Jacqui stayed to capture a few pictures of our first few moments as a family before she left as well. 

5:50 AM- we try breastfeeding for the first time, Sadie luckily latched right on. After she finished nursing, the nurses changed shifts and our day nurses came in to get both of us cleaned up. 
They wheeled everything they'd need to do Sadie's first bath in the room. Russ stayed with her while they started her shots and such while my nurse took out my epidural and helped me up to the bathroom. I luckily could walk really well! I got changed and freshened up in the bathroom and then walked out to sit in a chair next to the warmer to watch the bath. Once we were both clean, Russ packed up our stuff and we were off to our post-partum room. 
Our first family photo after Sadie's bath
just when I didn't think I could love them more! She's wide awake here and stayed this way for about 45 mins just starring at each other. 
Once in our room we ate breakfast and decided to try and rest and just enjoy our new baby before we were going to start letting visitors come. although we both couldn't sleep, all we could do was stare at our new perfect baby girl! 

 We love you so much Sadie girl and we're so glad you made it here safely! We are grateful for a healthy baby girl, a healthy pregnancy and delivery, and healthy mom and dad to take care of her!

ps. Our birth story was photographed by the amazing Jacqueline Shields-Workman