Friday, November 13, 2015

Baby Hudson

Russ and I decided to go off birth control in May of 2014, it was a long year + of emotional ups and downs while trying to start a family. (I wrote a separate entry about this a while ago that I may still post which includes more details.) Anyways... after the frustration, pain, and roller coaster got a little too much I decided to have a plastic surgery I've always wanted. I needed to take a break and take my mind off things for a while. I met with Dr.Bindrup for a consult and after talking with Russ about things we decided to schedule surgery for September 1. But then August 19 happened....

In July I'd upgraded my phone and found myself with more storage than I'd ever had before. Out of curiosity I decided to download a period tracker app. As I was preparing to have surgery in September I was pondering about when I'd start my period so that I didn't have post op and period pain together. I actually remember making a commend to Russ about it on August 17 on our way to dinner that I hadn't started my period yet (throwing it out just matter of fact), and he brushed it off by how it was only the 17th so I shouldn't be starting yet. That was enough to get me to drop the subject and agree with him in my mind that it was too early.

August 18 I was at work. I was working with my friend Romney on peds and during some downtime we got talking about my upcoming surgery and I mentioned how I hadn't started my period yet and was dreading being on it right after surgery (we get personal at work haha). That got the conversation going more of Romney teasing me if I was pregnant and asking when my last period was. Well that got me curious enough to check my new little app to see the exact date- as I pull it up I started laughing saying well according to this I'm 2 days late. Romney starts freaking out saying "you gotta go get a pregnancy test right now!" After lots of false hope and taking pregnancy tests over the last year getting only negatives- I was not about to rush down to Maverik to buy a test when I was certain I was not pregnant. Romney keeps talking about it so I make her the deal that if I still hadn't started by 6 AM I would stop and get a test on my way home.

6AM rolls around and still nothing so as promised I stop at Winco and go buy a single pregnancy test. I felt stupid for even buying one, that I didn't wanna spend a lot of money to waste it on being negative. Meanwhile, Russ is on the mountain hunting and was going to go from the mountain straight to work.

I get home and take the test thinking of course nothing was going to happen. I start to wash my hands and just glance down at the test to see a + result. WHAT THE?! I'm instantly freaking out, crying, screaming, jumping up and down and staring at the result in shock. I honestly didn't think it would be positive.

I start texting Russ telling him he REALLY needs to come home before going into work. I also text Romney because I'm freaking out and don't know what to do. I end up going to Walmart to get more tests to confirm as well as buy a few baby things to announce to Russ. By the time I get home I still hadn't heard back from Russ so I proceed to text him some more while I take yet another positive pregnancy test. I was supposed to work again that night so I needed Russ to come home or else I wouldn't see him until the next day. Since I couldn't sleep yet I assemble a little present for Russ.

Russ finally calls me saying he'd just got service and was asking if I was okay. I didn't want him to find out over the phone so I tried to talk him into coming by the house without blurting it out. He was laughing because naturally this didn't make sense-he was up Provo Canyon and works in Orem so to drive past work to come all the way to Springvlle only to head back up to Orem. Finally, he says "okay if you say I need to come home I'll come home. But it's gonna be over an hour because I'm still on the mountain." Happy with that answer I try to settle down enough to lay down until he gets home.

Russ gets home and I'm laying in bed. He comes in and I say thanks for coming home I just really needed a hug. He laughs as he hugs me and says that's why you had me come home? I start laughing and say that and I have a present for you...

He opens ths present and starts freaking out! He was so excited, and just kept saying "really babe?! really?!" I of course was instantly in tears as soon as he started to open the package because getting to tell Russ I was pregnant was something that I had dreamed about, but had given hope on being able to do. He starts hugging me and he can't stop smiling! It was a moment I'll never forget! Russ lingered for a while as we started talking about this new adventure in our lives. I held up the little shoes I'd bought and looked up at him still all teary and asked " are we really ready for this babe?" Russ just smiled and hugged me. I then admitted to him that despite the excitement I'm so scared. He said he was scared too, and we agreed to just take it day by day.  I love that man!!!

We can't wait to meet our little miracle baby!!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Ode to Orem House

On August 17, 2015 we sold our home in Orem. We'd had renters living there ever since we'd moved to Springville and they were the best renters ever! Luckily we never had any problems and the biggest house issue was that the sink disposal backed up and we had to pay to get that fixed. Although in the back of my mind that house seemed like an impending doom just waiting for the furnace or roof or some other expensive need to be repaired. The market boomed this summer and our real estate agent mentioned that "now would be an ideal time to sell". Unfortunately, we had just renewed our renters contract so if we were gonna sell we'd have to sell to them.

Russ mentioned it casually to Logan, the renter husband who actually works for Russ, one day and he actually said that they would love to buy it. Things were a little crazy for them this summer though so it was a few weeks after that, that they started to get pre-approved and the process was in motion. Between the July holidays and some hangups with their mortgage lender it wasn't until August 14 that we got word it was going to close on that coming Monday. We were thrilled!

However, as Russ and I were celebrating the sale over a crab fest dinner at Red Lobster that night I started to get a little sad. I get way to attached to people, and even inanimate objects such as this house. I started to think of all the memories that house held for us and how we were saying goodbye to our first home.

To the street where I first met Russ.
To the driveway where we had our first kiss. 
To the backyard where Russ threw me my first ever surprise birthday party. 
To the porch and patio sits with good friends and family. 
To the small living room covered with wall to wall mounts (including a huge elk). 
To the garage full of 11 puppies. 
To our first home as husband and wife. 
To 855 W 200 N
Thanks for the many more memories not listed & enjoy your new owners!!