Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Fall '14 Misc

Lunch and Target shopping with these three cuties (LiamAndrew in carseat).
 The kiddos love the dogs. This particular day they sat down by Remi and the whole time Kez just kept repeating "oh my best girl Remi, I just love her".
 While the boys are away the girls will play. I finally tried Swig and I am addicted now.

 Broke in October wearing my new camo leggings.
 Got my Fall and Halloween decorations up in and on the house.

 I had to work the night before and the night of Halloween and Russ had some friend drama that came up and ended up leaving town on a whim. I also got spacers put in to start the prep for getting braces and my teeth were sore so my cute mom brought me in a goody bag full of soft treats to eat and cheer up my spirits.
 I had to get a picture of my buddy Pete that came into work Halloween morning like this and scared the bejeezus out of us on Pediatrics.
I luckily got to have the cutest trick or treaters come before I went to work Halloween night.

 This next one's a tough one....I got braces. It's not my first go around with being a brace face and to make a long story short my bite has changed since the first round that has caused some damage with my jaw as well as havoc on my fake tooth/bridge. Therefore, I'll be having jaw surgery in a few months and before they can go in and break it and realign my bite I need braces to move my teeth. It was really hard to accept at first and lots of tears but now I'm getting used to seeing that 12 year old face in the mirror :)

 Pheasant Hunting! Russ and I took the dogs out to Gunison one Sunday and then went back out again another weekend to Manti with Ash, Jake, Taylor and Alison (Taylor's girlfriend).

Shot lots of bunnies on this trip and Remi was lovin it
Families that hunt together stay together
 We took advantage of having the dogs with us to snap some last minute family picture options to use for our Christmas card.

This was Alison's first time pheasant hunting, unfortunately it wasn't much hunting with lack of pheasants.

Got some new stockings for the pups this year.
First "snowfall" of the winter

 Ash and I went up to the Salt Palace to check out the Christmas Expo-and man was it worth it! We sampled so many goodies and ended up spending way too much money but it was a blast!

Russ got to go duck hunting before his surgery. He went with his work buddy (and our renter) Logan and another buddy.
Lazy Sunday afternoon at the Hudsons!
 Every Year my work gives all the employees a Turkey for Thanksgiving. Well Thanksgiving was approaching and we still had my 2013 in the freezer. So Russ gets the idea to have my family over for Sunday dinner. He is such a fabulous host and not only defrosted the Turkey the night before while I was at work but got it all seasoned and cooking while I got some rest Sunday morning. Then he cut up little appetizers for everyone and decorated the tables. Goodness I love him!

 At that beloved Christmas Expo I signed up for Winder Farms. It's where every week you submit online what groceries you want/need and they are delivered on a certain day of the week. Our day is Monday and with how often I work Sundays and Mondays its been so nice to open the front door Monday mornings and have all my grocery necessities there and have no rush to make it to the store so Russ can have milk while I'm at work. Plus it's always guarenteed fresh and their milk is SO good. No more standing around at the grocery store trying to find fresh produce if I don't want too.
Russ went on another pheasant hunting trip and didn't come home empty handed.

B's Deer Hunt '14

2013's deer hunt was a blast-but it was a bit of a drive to get to the unit I'd drawn out for so it didn't allow for much hunting time. Therefore, we decided to try for a closer unit this year.

2014 I drew out for the Wasatch Unit this year-which is pretty much in our backyard, and since Russ had already got his buck for the year he took time off work to be my hunting guide. The rifle hunt opened on October 18 and since I had work all opening weekend we planned to leave on Wednesday the 22nd.

That morning found Russ, Mark, the 3 dogs, and myself all packed up and headed up the mountain.

 We found a campground and got camp set up. Ash had a tag for the same area so they brought the kiddos up for the day to hang out and do some hunting that evening.
don't need a ramp to unload the 4-wheeler when Grandpa Mark is around

The scouter and the shooter

Best buddies out on an adventure

The dogs were in heaven!!
lots of 4-wheeler rides
I guess the excitement was a little too much for Mark
                                  Late afternoon we all took off to go looking for deer and start hunting!

The kids with their hunter orange
We thought the reason that we hadn't seen Ash and Jake for a while was because we had gotten ahead of them on the 4-wheelers. Turns out they had seen a lil buck so Ash shot it and they had gone back to camp. I was so excited when we pulled into camp to see my parents vehicle there (and that they all had a fire going-it was pretty chilly). Mom and dad came up and Ash and Jake stuck around so we could all have dinner. 

It was the perfect night with everyone there and I was sad to see them head home that night. However-I still had a great week ahead with my 2 tour guides.

Thursday morning we woke up early to go looking for bucks! The reason we had brought Redrock on this trip was for these cold early mornings so we could run the heater and yet still offroad like we were on 4-wheelers.  We didn't see any bucks that morning, so after an enjoyable (and entertaining with Mark driving) morning we went back to camp. 

 The dogs were in heaven this entire week! But their favorite thing that particular day was the leftovers they got off Ash's deer. For the rest of the trip you couldn't find Remi without some part of it nearby :)

 We came back to camp and made a big breakfast then got to hang out with the Brandt's again as they had come up to actually pick up the deer (they'd left it cooling and hanging for the night). It was fun to have the kiddos around and play with the dogs. After Brandt's left we took naps and hung out until evening time and it was time to go out hunting on the wheelers. Once again unsuccessful at seeing bucks-so we went back to camp made us some dinner and then chilled around the campfire before bed.

Friday morning we did the same routine of taking Redrock out to go hunt. As our luck would have it we once again saw no bucks-however we did find a young bull moose. Just a little guy but I always love seeing moose!
 Mark was initially going to head home that day but we talked him into staying one more night :) After breakfast that afternoon we went off to go restock our fire wood supply, and on the way back to camp we spotted a grouse. After quickly grabbing our gun from camp Russ and I went back up on the wheeler and Russ got himself a grouse. I bet you can guess what happened next.... that's right we ate ourselves a little grouse snack.
 Since Friday night was going to be Mark's for sure last night we decided to go out a little earlier and get a good 4-wheeler ride in while hunting. It's always fun wheeling Hudson style but we went on quite the long ride and ended up on top over looking Strawberry Resevoir.
I have Russ pretty well trained on taking pictures over everything but I'm still working on Marl. Luckily he agreed if we could have "their man machines".
Saturday morning came early and we found ourselves saying goodbye to Mark before we knew it.

hehe love my redneck

 Saturday night out on our 4-wheeler ride after days of seeing doe after doe after doe, we saw a buck. However the more we looked at it we soon realized that it only had one antler-and that one antler may not even be big enough to be legal to shoot. So we came back to camp empty handed again.

Sunday morning was the last day of the hunt but after a week of early rising we (I) decided we should sleep in. Once we did wake up there started to look like a potential storm rolling in so after breakfast we quickly packed up camp. I know everyone was sad to be leaving but we are grateful that we were able to have such a fun week and make such fun memories with our families.